Barry Larkin
Year: 1995
Brand: Score Summit
Parallel set: Nth Degree
Card number: 10
The Nth Degree parallels in 1995 Score Summit can be summed up in one word: Sparkly. Seriously, the scan doesn't do the card justice, you basically have to hold one of the Nth Degree parallels in your own hand simply to understand what it's like.
All that said, this is (of course) a parallel of Larkin's regular base card (
which I talked about a few years ago). Now that I own this card, I'm only missing one more Larkin card from the 1995 Summit set: a "sample" card of his that I don't (yet?) own.
I am slowly but surely acquiring more and more Barry Larkin parallels. Of course, the more Larkin cards that I track down, the more cards it seems like I'm missing! I don't know how that is the case, but a quick glance at my master spreadsheet of Barry Larkin cards shows that I'm at about 51.92% complete with 1995. That is to say, I own almost 52% of the Barry Larkin cards released in the year 1995!! By my count, I currently have 54 of the 104 Larkins from the year - a great number in my collection and yet I'm still almost missing as many as I have from the year.
Like I keep saying, every single new Larkin helps whether it is a parallel, a base card, an insert, or something rarer. I'll never turn down new Larkins (and I may never even finish the year 1995 but I'll keep plugging away at it)!
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