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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

The Tiniest Glove I've Ever Seen on a Baseball Card

We are firmly in the middle of the second half of my box of 1992 Upper Deck, or at least we will be by the time this post is over.  Still no sign of a Ted Williams autograph but it's been a fun rip nonetheless.

Pack 22:

There were two choices to scan in Pack 22, it was either the card you see above or else the Mariners' checklist card.  The debate was that the Henderson card features a great action shot (with dirt flying!) of a great player while the Mariners' checklist was only interesting because it featured Edgar Martinez on the front rather than Ken Griffey, Jr. (Griffey, of course, was Upper Deck's bread-and-butter player for most of the brand's lifetime).

I think I made the right choice in scanning the Henderson.

Pack 23:

Another choice between a great image and an interesting checklist (this time the checklist was for the Athletics and it featured Rickey Henderson)!  However, I had to scan the Mike Benjamin card because it's interesting for a number of reasons.  First, what's with the uniforms?  That's some sort of throwback thread, but 1992 was a time where throwback uniforms weren't the rage and so that's an oddity on its own.  The mystery is compounded further by the incredibly small glove that Benjamin is holding - the whole thing looks like a "behind the scenes" of the making of Field of Dreams or something.

Pack 24:

This pack had another Expos hologram sticker in it but I had to go with a scan of the Cubs checklist instead - especially since I barely decided against scanning checklists in each of the previous two packs!   I love the checklists in this set (though some drawings are definitely heads and shoulders above others).

All things told, this was a great trio of packs with plenty of nice looking cards.  I'm definitely enjoying the Upper Deck set - even more so probably because I'm taking my time going through each pack within the box.


  1. The Mike Benjamin photo is from a Turn Back the Clock Game that the Giants and Cubs played June 23, 1991. It's a 1925 NY Giants uniform. The game itself was only the 3rd or 4th throwback game there had been at that point. The White Sox held the first one in 1990 to commemorate the final season at Old Comiskey Park.


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