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Checklists Can Be Exciting

I will finish the box of 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated before the week is over - after all, I kind of have to since next week will be my (Even) Better Know a Blogger week which should be lots of fun.  I'm a huge fan of community involvement and the last time I ran a similar event I enjoyed it immensely.  For now though, I need to finish off my box of cards so let's keep ripping!

Pack 11:
4.  Sterling Hitchcock
52.  Angel Pena, Jeff Kubenka, Paul LoDuca
47.  Ronnie Belliard, Valerio de los Santos, Rafael Roque  (needed it)

Headliners:  14.  Barry Bonds
119.  Rondell White
179.  Checklist (needed it)

First, that Headliners is the second Barry Bonds in the box - a terrible thing for me since I had once had plans of collecting the entire insert set.  Not anymore though - getting two duplicates out of my first three Headliners is no good (and since they are seeded 1:4 packs, I only expect to pull three more).  As for the rest of the cards, I did manage to land two more needed cards including the checklist.  I'm glad I pulled the checklist since those are often hard to trade for - it seems many people throw checklist cards out!

Pack 12:
10.  Ken Griffey Jr. & Mark McGwire
37.  Craig Biggio
60.  Matt Clement, Ben Davis, Stan Spencer
120.  Jamie Moyer
133. Trevor Hoffman
155.  Curt Schilling

You'll notice that I didn't mark a single card in that pack as "needed."  That hurts the set collection prospects.

Pack 13:
143.  Scott Erickson
145.  Greg Vaughn
105.  Jim Edmonds
71.  Mike Lowell, Jay Tessmer, Ryan Bradley
20.  Sammy Sosa & Juan Gonzalez
19.  Tom Glavine & Roger Clemens

Oh no, that's two packs in a row with nothing new to offer my set.  At this point in time, it's beginning to look a bit unlikely that I'll finish the entire base set thanks to this box alone.  That said, we are just past the halfway mark so I probably shouldn't give up all hope quite yet.  I'll have more packs soon!
