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The Baseball Card Olympics (A Contest Entry)

Editor's Note:  This is my entry for a contest being held over at It's Like Having My Own Card Shop.  There's a Johnny Bench card up as a prize that is calling my name.  The entry is based on one of the contest writing prompts.


Prompt:  Come up with at least five Baseball Card Olympic events.


I'm a casual fan of the Olympics so this particular prompt seemed like a fun little challenge for me.  As with the "real" Olympics, I made it a goal to have events that would be quick while also having some longer events. 

Event #1:  Binder Marathon

Description:  In this 1 vs. 1 face-off, two competitors swap card binders with 783 cards preloaded into binder pages (in order) as well as 9 cards missing from the binder needed to complete the set.  The goal is to be the first person to complete the binder by putting each card in numerical order from 1 - 792.  The catch is that you get to choose which 9 cards you don't pre-sleeve in the binder for your competition.  Obviously, you'll want to have at least one card from the first page of the binder missing so that your competition has to take virtually every single card of its current pocket and move it to the correct pocket.  This should be one of the longer events in the Baseball Card Olympics.

Event #2:  Pack Searcher Scramble

Description:  A kiddie pool is filled with hundreds of unopened packs of cards.  The goal is to find a pack with a hit in it (relic or autograph).  This would be done in heats, much like swimming is with the top three from each heat moving on to the next round.  There would be a time penalty applied to anyone who opens a pack that does not contain a hit.

Event #3:  Bowman or Bust

Description:  In Bowman or Bust, each competitor is given a show box full of the exact same Bowman cards gathered from Bowman sets from the previous 10 years.  There is exactly one year's worth of Bowman cards in the box for which a competitor can find the first 100 cards in the set.  All other years of Bowman included will have 75 or fewer cards present.  The goal is to find the set with 100 cards and then put all the cards in order.  The challenge here is obvious, besides the general searching skills you have to contend with the fact that Bowman sets are virtually indistinguishable from each other (or at least I think so)!

Event #4:  The eBay Listing Sprint

Description:  Each competitor is given an unopened box of 2019 Topps Allen & Ginter.  The winner of the competition is the person who can list the three included hits, plus the box topper, in four individual eBay auctions.  Ties, if any, go to the person who makes the most money on their sales within the first 24 hours of the auction listing.

Event #5:  The Scotch Tape Scamper

Description:  Each competitor is given a "trade package" that has been sealed with copious amounts of Scotch tape.  The winner is the first one to free their cards from the confines of the sticky substance.  Much like the Pack Searcher Scramble, this one would be done in heats.

Event #6:  The Graded Breakout

Description:  Each competitor is given a Beckett graded card slabbed in plastic along with a hammer.  The winner is the first person free their card without damaging it in any way.  This competition would also be done in heats, possibly with two or three graded cards for each person in later rounds to increase the difficulty factor.


Not a Bad Baseball Card Olympics slate, right?  If nothing else, it was a fun thing to write for the contest. 


  1. Good events! This was my topic too, and I'm glad there wasn't much overlap. We're not up to 12 events!

  2. You and TLC have come up with some awesome events. Whoever organizes the National should contact you guys and seriously make this happen.

  3. I would fail miserably at all of these besides the binder marathon.


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