Barry Larkin
Year: 2002
Brand: Fleer Premium
Card number: 11
You'd be forgiven if you didn't know that Fleer Premium was a brand in 2002. Fleer seemed to have bombarded collectors with numerous brands and most of them kind of blend together. In fact, if you only showed me the back of the card I don't think I could probably have named what set it belonged to even if you gave me five guesses!
The one thing this set does have going for itself is that front design is nice, simple but nice. I like the little bit of Larkin's bat sticking out over the frame (same with his cleats). It adds just enough "pop" to the photograph to make it look nice, even if the image itself is fairly pedestrian (and definitely not "premium").
In addition to the base card, Barry also has a Star Ruby parallel card (numbered out of 125) which happens to be the only other Larkin card in the set. I don't yet own the Star Ruby version but hopefully I'll eventually track one down since they aren't all that rare. For now though, I'll simply enjoy having one more "look alike" Fleer card in my binder!
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