Happy (Black) Friday, everyone! While I'm sure that some of you are braving the crowds in an effort to land sweet discounts on holiday gifts, I have only made plans to stay home and continue to work on my 2019 Season of Giving project. As such, I figured it's time for an update so as to keep people informed on my progress.
Right now, I'm in the middle of sorting through a couple of boxes that look something like this:
All of those cards have been deemed unnecessary for my collection and so they are getting divvied up into team piles and many of those piles will eventually make their way into Season of Giving packages.
Here's the progress on the team sorting so far:
Note, this is just the latest batch of cards I'm sorting, I already have fairly large stacks of cards to give away for most of the teams. That said, this latest batch will include a lot of cool stuff since almost all of the castoffs from my non-Reds Frankenset are also making their way into the team piles.
I'll try and remember to write another Season of Giving update post when I actually start mailing out packages just so people know to expect something at that point. For now though, it's back to the sorting (and eating leftover turkey, though not at the same time luckily for you...and the baseball cards)!
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