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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

COMC - Part II: More from a Set that I May Never Finish!

Back when I first returned to collecting cards (around 2007), I went a little crazy trying to complete all sorts of sets.  From about 2007 through 2010, I went after way more sets than I ever should have...so many, in fact, that my current storage space is suffering a bit due to all the sets I collected during that time.  That said, there are still a number of sets from that era that I haven't finished, despite it being a decade or so later.

For example, I'm still working on:

  • Three different insert sets from 2007 Allen & Ginter
  • Three sets from 2008
  • Sixteen (!) sets from 2009
  • and five sets from 2010

That's a total of 27 sets that I'm still trying to complete from 2007 - 2010 alone!  Craziness for sure.  Now, while I don't expect that I'll complete most of those sets any time soon I am still picking away at them when given the chance.

Of all the sets from that era, perhaps the toughest remaining set to complete is the 2008 Upper Deck Goudey set.

The 2008 Goudey set has 330 cards in it which isn't bad until you realize that the last 130 cards are short-printed to various degrees.  Cards 201 - 230 form the first short print subset and are all of retired players. 

I was able to nab both the Cal Ripken Jr. (#202) and the Robin Yount (#214) from COMC during my latest card buying spree.  Those two were the final two cards I needed from the retired players subset!

Next, cards 231 - 250 are the US Presidents.  Here, I was able to buy John Tyler (#236) which was the final President card that I needed!  So far so good!

Unfortunately, the great news ends there as cards #251 - 270 are Goudey Black & Whites.  I did get one more that I needed (Derek Jeter, #258) but I'm still missing one more from this particular subset (#266, Matt Holiday of all people).

Cards 271 - 300 are Sport Royalty cards with black backs.  I didn't buy any from that group this time but I can tell you that I'm still missing a few, namely:
271:  Carl Yastrzemski
285:  Derek Jeter
294:  Josh Beckett

And finally, cards 301 - 330 are Sport Royalty cards with green backs.  These are the rarest of all the cards in the set and it should be no surprise that I still need quite a few of them to complete my set.  If you are wondering, here's the full list of what I missing from the final subset:
302:  Tom Brady
305:  Dave Winfield
310:  Kerri Strug
312:  Larry Bird
313:  LeBron James
318:  Bob Gibson
319:  Nolan Ryan
321:  Prince Fielder
323:  Reggie Jackson
325:  Sidney Crosby
328:  Tony Gwynn

As you can see, despite buying four more short prints from a set released over a decade ago, I have a lot more work in front of me if I am ever going to actually finish the entire base set!  And that's without me even mentioning that I'm also working on one of the insert sets (Hit Parade of Champions) from this particular set...but I haven't made any progress on that set in quite some time so probably the less said about that, the better for now.

At any rate, I'm happy to get four cards closer to completing a set that I've been working on for the better part of a decade now.  Who knows, maybe by the year 2029 I'll finally have the full set completed!?


  1. 16! In one year?! That's a lifetime project.

    Good luck with Goudey. I didn't buy any of that.


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