Barry Larkin
Year: 2003
Brand: Donruss Estrellas
Card number: 23
The Donruss Estrellas set reminds me a lot of older Pacific offerings since it features a lot of Spanish throughout the card's design. I'm guessing that this particular set was released mainly in Spanish speaking countries but I have no idea if that's actually true (information about the set was scarce online). Other than the Spanish on the card, there isn't much else noteworthy about the design of the Estrellas set. I like the red banners for a Reds' player but I could do without all of the gray boxes everywhere. My old high school and college Spanish (three years in high school and one more in college) aren't enough for me to fully read the back of the card. Then again, it could be the almost twenty years (!) that have passed by since I was in high school that is actually holding me back from reading all that Spanish.
Either way, it's a semi-unique card for my Larkin Collection. In general, I like to be able to read and understand my cards but every now and then it's fine to get something a little more challenging for me to make sense of!
"Larkin was the first shortshop to hit 30 HR and steal 30 bases in a year (1996). One of the most venerated veterans of the game, he's maintained his health over the years and could play 145 games for the sixth time in his career." I hadn't realized Pacific's origins in having to make cards in Spanish until recently, so the occasional product like this makes sense. A decent Donruss design, though definitely one of the superfluous products of that era.