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30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts: #17

The slow march to the middle of the MLB rankings continues with a team just outside the middle at #17.

#17:  Texas Rangers  (2019 rank:  #18)

For the past several years, the Rangers are the epitome of the word "meh."
Another custom mini by Ryan joins the prize pile!

I don't have any particular players that I either like or dislike that play for Texas and the Rangers team as a whole hasn't been making headlines or gathering any sort of attention for quite some time.  Furthermore, while Rangers baseball cards aren't overly common in sets these days, there aren't many active Rangers collectors out there either so what few duplicate Rangers that I do get end up sitting in a pile someplace in my man cave.  That pile isn't as bad as the pile for the Royals, Marlins, or Athletics but it's still fairly large.

And yeah, that's really all I have to say about the Rangers.  They've been kind of a forgotten team for me for quite some time now (as evidenced by last year's #18 ranking as well).

Next time we will look at the "best" team in the bottom half of MLB right now.  As a hint, the team happens to be a west coast team and it's the only team that I've seen play live out west!

2020 Rankings:
#30:  New York Yankees
#29:  Boston Red Sox
#28:  St. Louis Cardinals
#27:  San Francisco Giants
#26:  Washington Nationals
#25:  Miami Marlins
#24:  Chicago Cubs
#23:  Milwaukee Brewers
#22:  Houston Astros
#21:  Pittsburgh Pirates
#20:  Atlanta Braves
#19:  Los Angeles Angels
#18:  Los Angeles Dodgers
#17:  Texas Rangers
#16:  ??

Contest entries to date (see here for details):
15  John Sharp
15  P-Town Tom
12  bbcardz
9  hockey kazi
18  Brett Alan
12  Fuji
1  acrackedbat
1  Wilson
15  Matt
2 Trevor P.
1 friend11
1 Adam Kaningher


  1. I LOVE the Rangers...I mean, when they won the Cup in 1994, I--oh, not THOSE Rangers?

    Um, yeah, I'm with you. The baseball Rangers are pretty meh. I suppose they're a little more on the negative side than the positive, but not much of a real reaction. I'm trying to think of someone from the team's history I have a strong reaction to one way or another, and nothing's coming to me. Can't even think of someone who spent a lot of time with them and a lot of time with the Mets, the way that I associate the Reds with Tom Seaver or the Phillies with Tug McGraw. (I mean, Nolan Ryan I guess, but he wasn't a Met all that long and is associate with the Angels and Astros more than the Mets.)

    I'll try the Diamondbacks for next.

  2. I go back to the days of David Clyde and Jeff Burroughs for the Rangers in the early 1970s.

    Buddy Bell, and Jim Sundberg were also Texas guys that I liked, and I can remember Fergie Jenkins pitching for the Rangers.

    I'm thinking Padres are up next.

    Good Job! 👍

  3. I thought the Rangers might move up out of pity in your standings because they were all but forgotten in Topps 2020 S1. LOL
    How about the Athletics?

  4. I haven't given the Rangers much thought since Adrian Beltre retired. Padres are next perhaps?

  5. Not a fan of the Rangers. But gotta admit... I really liked watching highlights of Beltre and Andrus for all of those years.


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