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30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts: #18

In my previous countdown post, we took a look at team #19 which was the Los Angels Angels.  We stay in the same city for the next team:

#18:  Los Angeles Dodgers (2019 rank:  #23)

To be honest, I was surprised by my own feelings when I created my list of teams for 2020.  I certainly didn't expect the Dodgers to be one of the teams who gained a lot of ground from last year but that's exactly what ended up happening.

I guess part of my happiness with the Dodgers relates back to a trade they did last year with the Reds.  The Dodgers took Homer Bailey from the Reds (and his bloated salary) and in exchange the Reds got half a season of Yasiel Puig (and others).  Puig was then flipped for what should be one of the cornerstones of the Reds' rotation this year in Trevor Bauer.

I also have to admit that I like Clayton Kershaw quite a bit, even if he isn't quite the same dominant pitcher he once was.

Perhaps if the Reds actually make the playoffs and end up facing the Dodgers my feelings will change again (either thinking more or less of LA depending on the result of the series), but until then the Dodgers are essentially a middle-of-the-road team in my rankings!  Considering my love of small market teams, that's actually a positive accomplishment for the Dodgers!

Next up? We got to a state that I've been to exactly twice in my life.  Once on a road trip with a friend during spring break in high school and once on a family road trip around a good chunk of the country.  That said, I've never been the particular area in the state where the next team on my list is headquartered.

2020 Rankings:
#30:  New York Yankees
#29:  Boston Red Sox
#28:  St. Louis Cardinals
#27:  San Francisco Giants
#26:  Washington Nationals
#25:  Miami Marlins
#24:  Chicago Cubs
#23:  Milwaukee Brewers
#22:  Houston Astros
#21:  Pittsburgh Pirates
#20:  Atlanta Braves
#19:  Los Angeles Angels
#18:  Los Angeles Dodgers
#17:  ??

Contest entries to date (see here for details):
14  John Sharp
14  P-Town Tom
12  bbcardz
8  hockey kazi
16  Brett Alan
11  Fuji
1  acrackedbat
1  Wilson
14  Matt
2 Trevor P.
1 friend11
1 Adam Kaningher


  1. Spring Break? That's sounds like a pretty good clue. Tampa Bay?

  2. The Dodgers are my favorite N.L. team, going back to the early 70s w/ Garvey, Cey, Russell,& Lopes.

    Sounds like you may have missed St. Petersburg, Home of the Days, on your Spring Break travels.

    Good job!

  3. I always disliked the Dodgers as a kid, when they were a big force in the NL, and it didn't help when they beat the Mets in 1988. But I did find myself rooting for them in their recent playoff runs (as long as it's not against a team I care about) for Night Owl's sake. Plus when I inherited my uncle's card collection from HIS childhood, it was clear his favorite team was the Brooklyn Dodgers, so I've got a disproportionate number of cool Dodgers cards from the 50s.

    I'll take the Texas Rangers for the next spot.

  4. The Dodgers didn't bother me a lot until they started going to the World Series on a regular basis. I'd put them in my bottom 5 these days. As for guesses... I'll go with the Marlins.

  5. Hmm...I'm going to say Phillies this time, although I don't know why. Just a hunch.


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