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30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts: #28

It's time for team #28 in my 2020 MLB Rankings and for the first time this year we have a team that actually rose in the standings.

#28:  St. Louis Cardinals (#30 in 2019)

As a Reds' fan, the St. Louis Cardinals are basically the closest thing the Reds have to a rival (sorry Pittsburgh, you're just good for fights).  Unfortunately for Cincinnati, the Cardinals have pretty much had the Reds' number for the majority of the past decade which makes this rivalry rather one-sided.

So why did St. Louis move up a bit in my rankings?
This card was originally considered for a spot in my non-Reds Frankenset, now it can be yours (see the post for team #30 for details).

For starters, I don't expect St. Louis to be great this year.  More importantly, most of the players that I severely disliked either no longer play for St. Louis or in other cases (Molina) are empty shells of the player they used to be.

Finally, as much as I hate to say this, the current crop of Cardinals simply isn't all that detestable right now.  I actually like guys like Goldschmidt a lot (even if drafting him #1 in last year's fantasy draft hurt me).  Depending how the 2020 season shakes out (i.e. if the Reds manage to finally finish ahead of St. Louis in the standings) you might even see the Cardinals move further up my rankings in future years!  Then again, if the Cardinals revert back to being a thorn in the Reds' side they could just as easily slot back into the #30 slot next year.

Next up in the rankings?  Another team that's been guessed already.  For this particular team, there's probably one thing that could move the team back up in my rankings but until that one thing happens this team is destined to remain a bottom five team in my rankings for a long time.

2020 Rankings:
#30:  New York Yankees
#29:  Boston Red Sox
#28:  St. Louis Cardinals
#27:  ??

Contest entries to date (see here for details):
2  John Sharp
2  P-Town Tom
1  bbcardz
3  hockey kazi
3  Brett Alan
2  Fuji
1  acrackedbat
1  Wilson
2  Matt
1 Trevor P.


  1. I'm no fan of the Cardinals, after all, we beat them in the 1978 World Series, and that made 8 year old me quite happy.

  2. That clue alludes heavily towards the Astros...

  3. The Cardinals were rivals to the Mets back in the 80s, but I don't think much about them now. I don't have a problem with Yadi, and I do agree that Goldschmidt seems to be a really good guy. For me there in that big middle of teams I don't really have feeling for one way or the other.

    As for the next team, I'm gonna say it's the Marlins, and the thing that would bring them up in the rankings is Jeter selling his share of the team.

  4. It's funny how we detest certain teams more or less depending on their current situation. The 49ers didn't bother me much these past few years... but now that they're back in the Super Bowl, I can't stand them ;)

  5. No one got team #27 correct...though the Astros and Marlins were good guesses (and teams that have a good chance of being ranked quite low in my countdown)!

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