Barry Larkin
Year: 2003
Brand: Fleer Tradition
Card number: 96
The 2003 Fleer Tradition set is based on the 1963 Fleer design. Fleer short-printed the first 100 cards in the set (and since Barry is card #96, that means he's a short print). The short prints weren't super hard to find though (seeded one per pack) but it did mean you'd need to open 100 packs (with perfect collation) in order to acquire all 100 short prints!
The card design is certainly retro looking, I'll give it that. The card front is actually quite nice, though I do wish the bright yellow background on the little "hitter" dude at the bottom would have used team colors instead. The backside of the card doesn't interest me as much...I do like the write-up at the top but I kind of hate the way Fleer presented the statistics at the bottom.
There does exist one parallel of this base card - a glossy parallel numbered out of 100 that you could only find in 2003 Fleer Tradition update packs. I don't (yet?) own that parallel for what it's worth. I did previously show off Barry's insert card in the 2003 Fleer Tradition set which
you can check out here if you are interested.
That basically does it for 2003 Fleer Tradition as far as I'm concerned. Sure, there are still three Barry Larkin parallels for me to track down (all serially numbered) but I don't put a ton of effort into cards like that, especially if they are too rare (or in this case, probably too old to easily find at an affordable price point).
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