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Barry Larkin Collection 745: 1998 Topps Tek - #57 - Pattern 45

Barry Larkin
Year:  1998
Brand:  Topps Tek
Card number:  57
Pattern number:  45

This is my sixth unique Barry Larkin card from the 1998 Topps Tek set - and perhaps more impressively, my second new Larkin from the set that I've manage to acquire this month!  

Unlike a lot of the Tek card, this particular design (pattern #45 for those at home) is actually quite fitting for a baseball card - lots and lots of little stars in the background.  

With a total of 90 different patterns in the 1998 set, I still have a long ways to go before I'll "have them all" but at least I now have two-thirds of a binder page's worth of Larkin Tek cards.  That's a good start, right?!
