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Trade Stack 103: A Collect-a-Book Starts the New Stack!

Note:  In order to claim the Stack you must agree to send me at least one item from my want list (this now includes LEGO sets since I'm into that too).

It's time to begin a new Trade Stack and I'm going to start with a card that I virtually promised would be in an upcoming Trade Stack.  I'm a big fan of the Collect-a-Books but I don't personally collect basketball (or follow...or watch...NBA basketball).  Thus, this card doesn't have a proper home in my collection and so it could now be yours!

Remember, you get ALL of the cards in the Stack in exchange for at least one item from my want list.  The Stack goes to whoever claims it first (and tells me what they are sending me).  If the Stack goes unclaimed for some length of time, then I'll add more to it until it does eventually get claimed.

1990 Collect-a-Books:
27.  Joe Dumars (Pistons)

Be sure to check out my want list and then claim the Stack if you are interested!
