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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

It's a Giant Shark Eats Smaller Shark World.

Another day, another package in the mail.  Today's padded envelope ended up containing a single card from a recent eBay purchase of mine...but it's a big addition to one of my sets!

That is one of the rarer patch cards from the wonderful 2015 Upper Deck Dinosaurs set.  This particular patch is part of "Group B" which was seeded 1:179 packs.  There are a total of 60 patch cards in the set, 10 of those belong to Group B and I now own three of the ten.  While that may not sound too bad, there are another five cards in "Group A" which is the rarest (those are seeded 1:578 packs) and I've yet to acquire any of them!  The only good news about the super rare cards is that they are the final five cards in the set so I may end up deciding that 55 dino patches is good enough for me.

Obviously, I'm a big fan of most things Dinosaur related - but even if I weren't I'd probably find this particular manu-patch set interesting.  The patches are inset in a frame of sorts which kind of makes each card look like a true piece of prehistoric art.  I can only hope that someday Upper Deck releases another Dinosaur set like this one - heck, my two-year-old son loves this set as much as I do (he loves to look through the binder pages with me and he knows a good chunk of the dinosaur names already)!

I'm doubtful that there is anyone out there reading this that still has some of the cards I'm missing available for trade, but just in case I'm wrong - here's what I'm still seeking!

2015 Upper Deck Dinosaurs Wants:


Patch cards:   15, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

Predator of the Seas:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15, 16, 21


  1. I know some people would get frustrated with these super rare inserts, but I actually like that Upper Deck created an insert set that would give a collector goosebumps if they pulled one from a pack. Best of luck on tracking down the remaining first "50" you need. And who knows... maybe one or two of the final "5" eventually end up in your collection.

    1. Yeah, I like a good challenge! I think the bigger issue is that not many people collected this set (so trading is next to nil). (or maybe I should say not many baseball card collectors also collected the dinosaur set)


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