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Delivery Time! A Couple of Great 2020 Allen & Ginter Cards from The Collective Mind

 I've been madly wheeling and dealing over on Trading Card Database but that doesn't mean I've forsaken trading with my blogging partners!  Case in point - a recent swap with Greg over at The Collective Mind.  I had a bunch of Ginter base cards for Greg, as well as some inserts from this year's set, which I was able to parlay into two much needed/wanted cards for my own collection.

Let's start with this beautiful framed relic of Tony Gwynn: 

My 2020 A&G framed relic collection is coming along nicely.  Believe it or not, I'm a bit over halfway done with the full set already (though admittedly most of the "big names" are still missing from my collection).  Gwynn, despite his excellent playing career, isn't considered a "big name" in this particular set...heck, Greg told me he picked this up at a card show for something like $5.  I'll take it though!

The other card that I wanted was this shiny Larkin from the Ginter "hot boxes." 

I opened a bunch of hobby boxes this year but I didn't get a single hot box.  That's okay with me since the only card from that parallel set that I really want is the Larkin and now I have it!

A brand new Larkin card and a new framed relic that I needed?  Not a bad trade at all!  Thanks a ton, Greg!  As for anyone else, if you'd like to trade be sure to check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. If you two lived closer, Fuji would probably try to fight you for that Gwynn! :p

    1. Lol. I learned a long time ago that my body wasn't designed for fighting. His set build is way more important than my player collection. I'll just wait until I find one for a few bucks... and if that never happens... oh well.


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