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My 2021 Blog Resolutions!

Each year, I like to make a public declaration of my New Year's Resolutions - so here we go for the year 2021!

#1:  Barry Larkin Collection

I'm currently sitting at 777 different Larkin cards that I've scanned and written about.  I'd like that total to be at least 850 posts by the time 2021 is over.  I already have over 100 other Larkin cards waiting to be written about so this should be relatively straight forward so long as I actually stay active in terms of writing additional Barry Larkin Collection posts!

#2:  Trading

In 2020, my involvement on TCDB pushed my trading totals up over 100 for the first time since 2012.  I don't know if those numbers are going to be sustainable this year (I have fewer and fewer cards I'm looking for on my want list) but I'm going to shoot for another year of at least 100 completed trades (counting both TCDB trades and blog trades).

#3:  The Want List

My want list is currently sitting at 94 sets on it waiting to be completed.  My goal for this particular resolution is to whittle my want list down to 80 or fewer sets by the end of 2021.  As usual, this will be a challenging goal but I have a decent head start given that a number of sets will actually be completed whenever I finally click "ship" on my COMC order.  That order alone should knock off five sets which gives me a fighting chance for the rest of this goal!

#4:  The Great Reorganization

In all honestly, I'll probably never have my entire collection fully organized as I'd like it but for 2021 I do hope to make sizeable progress towards my end goal!  To keep things reasonable, let's shoot for three things here:

  1. Get all of my "large" trade bait sets listed on TCDB (that is, those with a lot of duplicate/unwanted cards)
  2. Complete my non-Reds Frankenset
  3. Clear off my table of all the card piles.

#5:  The LEGO Blog

I love writing my LEGO blog even if I can't seem to gain any traction in terms of overall viewership.  Last year, I fell just short of my goal of averaging three posts per month.  This year, I'm going to try and keep fresh content on the blog happening more regularly - so let's shoot for a goal of 50 total posts in 2021 over at Playing With Bricks.

#6:  Nachos Grande Breakers Club (aka the NGBC) 

Last year, I started my own group break Facebook page (which I'd love for you to join if you haven't yet).  The page ended 2020 with 50 members which I'd say is a nice little success.  For 2021, I want to start my Nachos Grande Breakers Club - basically an idea where I charge one fee and then people get all of the cards of their selected team from a number of different boxes opened up over the span of multiple weeks.  I also hope to continue doing "regular" group breaks in between NGBC breaks.

#7:  Reading

I failed at reading 12 books in 2020 but let's give that goal another run for 2021.  Surely, I can average reading a book a month, right?!

I think that will do it for my 2021 Resolutions.  One fewer total resolutions than last year but I think they'll be even more difficult this time around!  

Now it's your turn, do you have any goals for the upcoming year?  I'd love to hear about them!


  1. Good luck with your 2021 resolutions!

  2. Compared to your card blog... how many views does your Lego blog receive? I feel like Legos are so popular right now. Every month or so, I stumble across a new YouTube channel dedicated to them and they have thousands of subscribers.

    1. I think LEGO video is popular (especially with kids). LEGO blogs seem to be either VERY popular or they fizzle off and die. Mine's on life support in that I probably average 10-20 views per new post. Definitely not worth the amount of time/effort that goes into a lot of the posts over there. That said, I do love LEGO so I don't plan to quit the blog yet!

    2. I feel ya. It's kinda why I don't blog about Legos very often on my blog... and why I don't start another blog dedicated to Legos.

    3. Yeah, but I'll happily read anything you write! :)

  3. Best of luck on your resolutions! I've been away from the card world for the last few months, but I hope to join some of your breaks again soon in 2021.


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