Barry LarkinYear: 1989
Brand: Red Foley Stickers
Card number: 73
The 1989 Red Foley Stickers set was a 130 "card" set where each card in the set was actually a sticker with the featured player on the front and a blank back. From 1987 through 1993, the Red Foley Stickers were all smaller than a regular baseball card (they measured 1 1/2" by 1 3/4"). There's nothing on the front (or back) of the card to let you know what you are looking at other than the card number - so thank goodness for websites like TCDB to help us all out!
I've made it quite clear on my blog that I have a strong love for stickers - but when I say that I usually mean team logo stickers. For whatever reason, stickers featuring players (such as the Red Foley Stickers) don't appeal to me nearly as much. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have this card in my collection but you won't find me trying to collect the entire set! Just give me the Larkin stickers and I'll be satisfied with that.
There's something you don't see on the blogs everyday!