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This Week from TCDB!

Another week done!  Most of my TCDB trades that came in during the past week were actually from trades that I sent out multiple weeks go.  I didn't have much time to use TCDB this week - in no small part to having to spend one night in a hotel near the hospital where my son had a (minor) surgery.  Of course, when you are dealing with a toddler, no surgery is exactly minor.  Luckily, all went well and he's quickly on the road to recovery!  

As for the cards?  Well, let's start with a PWE from FSCGrad777.  

That's four more new (to me) Barry Larkin cards!  I think that Topps Finest "power" card is my favorite of the bunch - even more so because it is the embossed version!  It's amazing how many Larkin cards exist that I don't yet own...but luckily there are sites like TCDB where I can make some headway into the backlog of missing Larkin cards!

My next swap comes from nwcardsupplies and it was a 9-for-1 one trade:  

That's one of the last few Prospects short print cards that I need from the 2000 Metal set.  I've said this before but the 2000 Metal set has definitely become less interesting/attractive to me over time...but since I'm this close to finishing it off, onward and upward I say!

Next up, from jrad1973 comes another single new card for me:  

Of all the various Barry Larkin "oddball" cards that exist, I feel that as a Larkin collector it is the Kahn's cards that I should focus on the most.  After all, Kahn cards were given out as stadium promotions so they have a direct tie-in to Larkin himself!  

My next trade comes courtesy of user jelewall.  

I haven't had a ton of luck trading for cards for my various set builds lately (probably a by product of the fact that most of what I still need are short prints).  That said, I have had quite a bit of luck trading for new (to me) Barry Larkin cards.  Actually, in this case I'm not sure if the Gold Label Larkin is one that I needed...but I haven't gotten around to fully sorting my year 2000 Larkin cards yet and jelewall had one for trade which helped to even the swap out a bit so I went for it.  There's certainly worse things in life than having multiple Topps Gold Label cards, right?!

Next, from user frankgifford comes another Larkin card that I needed.  

The one card is a 1997 Donruss Limited card.  Barry has a bunch of cards in that set and I do aim to eventually find them all.  The other is a 1997 Donruss Elite set...yet another random Donruss set that I know very little about (and own even less of)!  Nice to be able to grab both of these cards in a single swap.

My next trade is one of the few from this week that did actually contain cards from my want list*.  This was courtesy of user trading4vintage.  

*Actually, the trade only contained one card from my want list as trading4vintage sent me the wrong New Age Performer card (right player, wrong year - not helpful for my set build)!  I did at least need the Mark Mulder Stadium Club card...so baby steps!

Only two trades remaining!

My penultimate trade of the week was with user Goal Line.  This one netted me a super cool 1997 E-X2000 Barry Larkin card - one that I had never seen before.  

The inside frame on the image is actually see through acetate.  I definitely miss the creativity of the late 90s when it comes to baseball cards.  Sure, not every effort paid off but there was definitely something for every sort of collector back in the day!

And finally, last but certainly not least comes a PWE from user Baseball Dave.  

I saved this package for last since it was the one that netted me the most cards from my actual want list.  Don't get me wrong, I love adding new Larkin cards to my collection but for this year my main goal is to continue to whittle down my super long want list!  Baseball Dave had four cards I needed spread across three different sets.  That Headliners insert card is the second-to-last one that I need for my set...so close to finishing off another one!


  1. Glad your kid is ok!

    That Kahn's is neat...the design is from 1993-94 Skybox basketball. And EX-2000 will always be awesome!

  2. Glad things went well with your child's surgery. Hopefully a quick recovery as well.

  3. The EX sets were some of the best to come out of the 90's.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Sweet Larkin haul! I completed the 2000 Metal set (plus all the basic inserts) a long time ago, and I definitely understand why you'd lose interest in it.

    Happy to hear your son's surgery went well.

  5. Glad to hear your son's surgery went well and he's on the road to recovery. Some really nice cards. Love that Bowman's Best card (is it a refractor?). That 1997 EX2000 set is awesome. One of my favorite sets from the 90's.


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