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Breaker's Club #4: Official SIGN-UPS Now!

 Nachos Grande Breaker's Club #4 - SIGN UP POST!

How it works:

You'll pay one price (which depends on the team) and claim one team of your choice (from the list of unclaimed teams, first-come, first-served). You will then get all of the cards of your team from all of the boxes (and any bonus packs) that we break as part of the Breakers Club. Cards will be added to your stack (or a new stack will be started for you if you don't have one currently).

What you'll get:

Breaker's Club #4 will contain at least 8 different boxes but the goal is to bump that number up to at least 10-12 different boxes if I can sell enough slots. The list of included boxes is near the bottom of this post. I will continue to update the list as more team slots sell!   I aim to include a fun mix of boxes for everyone.

As stated above, this will work like a standard group break in that you'll get all the cards of the team(s) you claim. Cards featuring multiple teams will be randomized between all featured teams ("valuable" multi-team cards will be randomized on video, regular base cards will not be randomized on video).

Benefits for you:

Cost savings. Pay one price, one time only and then sit back and enjoy a string of box breaks without the need to race to get your team. Also, each team slot you buy will net you another entry into my next free player break giveaway (that is, you get one entry for each night we do Breaker's Club box breaks).

Benefits for me:

I only have to deal with payments one time for a bunch of boxes rather than a ton of smaller payments. I will also be able to budget better knowing how many people are already signed up for boxes. Much less record keeping on a weekly basis for me as well!

Other questions and answers:

Q: Will unclaimed teams be available for purchase for each of the individual boxes?

A: No. If you want a team, buy it now!

Q: Will I still be hosting other "regular" box breaks?

A: Yes, I certainly hope so though Breaker's Club is the main way to join in my group breaks currently.

Q: How will boxes be chosen?

A: By me, though I'm also interested in any ideas you have! The price of the boxes will be directly tied to how many team slots I am able to sell. So, tell your friends to join so we can all get better/more boxes!

Q: When will breaking begin? When is payment due?

A: I would like to begin Breaker's Club #4 around the end of July.  I plan to stick with my usual (summer) box breaking time of about 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday evenings.  All box breaks will be done live over on my YouTube channel.  Payment should be completed by Saturday, July 25.

Q: How can I watch the breaks?

A: I will steam live to my YouTube Channel. A link will be posted on the Facebook group break page (or you can simply bookmark/favorite/subscribe to my YouTube Channel).

Q: Can I buy more than one team slot?

A: Yes. There is no limit to the number of teams you can buy.

Q: What boxes are guaranteed to be included?

A: Note: I'll keep updating this list as slots sell. So far, we have:

  1. 2021 Topps Series 2 (hobby)
  2. 2021 Topps Inception (hobby)
  3. 2021 Topps Stadium Club (hobby)
  4. 2021 Topps Gypsy Queen (hobby)
  5. 2004 Topps Pristine (hobby)
  6. 2002 Topps Ten
  7. 2001 Pacific Private Stock (retail)
  8. 2000 Pacific Aurora (retail)
  9. 2000 Pacific Vanguard (hobby)
  10. 1997 Leaf Series 1
  11. 1997 Leaf Series 2
  12. 1994 Topps Stadium Club Series 2
  13. 1993 Leaf Update

2021 Nachos Grande Breakers Club #04

Note:  Cost for each team is listed below.  Sign-ups are first-come, first-served.  Please pay after claiming a spot.  I reserve the right to reopen any spot that isn't paid for in a timely manner (you can always email to work something out if necessary).

  • πŸ’²✔️Arizona Diamondbacks - Michael Price
  • πŸ’²✔️Atlanta Braves - Jason Williams
  • πŸ’²✔️Baltimore Orioles - Shane Milheim
  • πŸ’²✔️Boston Red Sox - Shane Salmonson
  • πŸ’²✔️Chicago Cubs - Mike Christianson
  • πŸ’²✔️Chicago White Sox - Chad Pacey
  • πŸ’²✔️Cincinnati Reds - Nachos Grande
  • πŸ’²✔️ Cleveland Indians - Jordan Schmidt
  • πŸ’²✔️Colorado Rockies - Adam Kaningher
  • πŸ’²✔️Detroit Tigers - Ben Morris
  • πŸ’²✔️Houston Astros - Jason Williams
  • πŸ’²✔️Kansas City Royals - Adam Kaningher
  • πŸ’²✔️Los Angeles Angels - Andy Shafer
  • πŸ’²✔️Los Angeles Dodgers - Jim Hall
  • πŸ’²✔️Miami Marlins - Daniel MacBeth
  • πŸ’²✔️Milwaukee Brewers - Ben Soman
  • πŸ’²✔️Minnesota Twins - Michael Price
  • πŸ’²✔️New York Mets - Brett Alan
  • πŸ’²✔️New York Yankees - Jordan Schmidt
  • πŸ’²✔️Oakland Athletics - Shane Salmonson
  • πŸ’²✔️Philadelphia Phillies - Dave Peterson
  • πŸ’²✔️Pittsburgh Pirates - Wade Fisher
  • πŸ’²✔️San Diego Padres - Daniel MacBeth
  • πŸ’²✔️San Francisco Giants - Fred Pike
  • πŸ’²✔️Seattle Mariners - Jason Williams
  • πŸ’²✔️St. Louis Cardinals - Kerry Biggs
  • πŸ’²✔️Tampa Bay Rays - Adam Kaningher
  • πŸ’²✔️Texas Rangers - Ben Morris
  • πŸ’²✔️Toronto Blue Jays - Daniel MacBeth
  • πŸ’²✔️Washington Nationals/Montreal Expos - Jason Williams

  1. Please leave a comment below with the team(s) you are claiming.
  2. Send PayPal payment (as goods & services) to: fanofreds (dot) auctions (at) gmail (dot) com (the same email that is in my profile).
  3. ONLY IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CURRENT STACK OF GROUP BREAK CARDS, please email me the following information:

  • Your user name
  • The team(s) you claimed
  • The email address you used to send payment
I'd appreciate any help you can offer in advertising my current Breaker's Club.  Tweets, reblogs, Facebook posts, etc. are all helpful!  The more team slots that we can sell means the more boxes of cards for everyone in the break!


  1. I'm in for the Mets again.

  2. I'll add Seattle and Washington/Montreal. Sending PP now.

  3. Ok I'll sign up for dodgers

  4. Just sent payment for Angels

    1. if you're interested in swapping the Preferred metal JT Snow for the Bagwell or one of the Biggios let me know.


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