Barry LarkinYear: 1989
Brand: Donruss
Card number: 257 (variation 4)
This is the fourth and final (known?) variation of Barry's 1989 Donruss card. To recap, there are two things to look for on 1989 Donruss card backs. First, does the copyright line end with "inc" or "inc." (i.e. with or without the period)? Second, does the word "denotes" have one asterisk around it or two? Pair each possibility together and you have a total of four different variations to track down - at least if you are an OCD player collector (like me)!
Quite honestly, if 1989 Donruss were a difficult set to find (or if any of the variations were true "super short print" type things) then I'd skip out on caring about the variations. However, I had no trouble tracking down the four versions of Larkin's card - I think I had two of them in my pile of duplicates and then I landed the last one or two (I forget) via simple TCDB trades.
Unless more variations are unearthed, I can now put the '89 Donruss set to bed - and with it I now have 43 of 53 known different Barry Larkin cards from 1989! That's good for a 81.13% completion percentage for the year - not bad!
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