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The Quest for 35!

Gemini or Aquarius?

Lately, I've had a bunch of posts where I've been able to celebrate the completion of another set off of my want list.  However, today is not one of those days!

Instead, today's post is courtesy of an eBay purchase I made a couple of weeks ago - and while the two cards below don't finish off my set they do represent 50% of what I needed prior to the purchase!

That's a pair of 2010 Celestial Stars mini cards from Allen & Ginter.  At this point in time, I own 10 of the 12 Celestial Stars - the only two that I still need are:
  • CS4.  Derek Jeter (of course)
  • CS5.  Dustin Pedroia
I'm holding out hope that this is another set that I'll be able to finish off prior to the end of 2021!  

Oh, and if you are wondering - the card backs do allude to the zodiac!  For example, the back of Lincecum's card says "Geminis such as Tim are great students and interesting, outgoing communicators.  Planetary positions indicate exceptional success from July to September."

I'm not one for astrology but I appreciate that Topps took the time to tie the card front and set theme to the description on the back of the card.  That's not a surprise though as I think Allen & Ginter was in its design heyday around the year 2010!


  1. Cool set. I looked into grabbing the Virgo, but not gonna pay $5 for a Cliff Lee card that isn't autographed ;D

    1. That's fair. I mean, I paid more than that for some of these but I'm a sucker...no one ever accused me of being smart.

    2. I'm a sucker too. I've paid good money for set build cards as well. Based on prices for these singles and the fact that you've been working on this set for the past eleven years, I'm guessing they weren't very easy pulls.

  2. Jeter (of course). Always frikkin' Jeter


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