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Oddballs and Parallels of Oddballs!

I've mentioned the fairly large Barry Larkin purchase that I made a few weeks ago.  Today, I'm back with another look at some of the new-to-me cards that I was able to acquire.  The theme for today's selection of cards is "oddball."  Barry's career spanned the entire decade of the 1990s which means he has lots (and lots) of oddball card releases out there.  Some of them are relatively easy-to-find while others have proven to be fairly elusive.  Either way, I'm happy to add another 9 such oddballs to my collection!

We'll begin with a trio of Kahn's cards.

Each year, Kahn's produces a set of cards for the Cincinnati Reds (and the set is given away as a stadium giveaway prize).  Over the years, I've slowly been accumulating some of the Kahn's cards but since I don't live anywhere near Cincinnati these cards have proven to be kind of difficult for me to acquire!  Certainly happy to land three such cards today - and as you can see from the scan, the card designs aren't half bad either for a set like this!

Next, a pair of magazine cards plus a Starting Lineup card.

I never got into the Starting Lineup figures as a kid - and that's just as well since they take up a ton of room to store!  That said, I have decided to try and acquire the various Barry Larkin baseball cards that were distributed with the plastic figurines (I'm not chasing the plastic figures).  

Finally, we end with an assorted trio of "parallel" oddballs.

The Leaf card might look "normal" but it's actually a 1991 Preview card.  The early/mid 90s was rife with "preview" or "sample" cards, sometimes even including parallels of sample cards...  I've got a ton of those annoying cards to track down for my Larkin Collection!  This particular Leaf one isn't that rare but I'm still glad to have it.  The Church's Chicken card is a gold parallel of their regular base card and the playing card is the "silver" version - again, a parallel of sorts of an oddball!

That does it for today's selection of cards.  I've got plenty more Larkin cards to go through from the purchase but it takes me a long time to get even nine new Larkin's fully categorized into my collection (for each card I need to scan the front and back, updated TCDB, and update my personal Excel spreadsheet which holds my entire Larkin collection).  

More to come when I work up some more energy to do so!


  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I always loved Starting Lineup figures as a kid (and still do) If I had space in my house for a "new" collection it would be SLU figures for sure. I think I even have that '91 Larkin somewhere :D

  2. Love the Kahns. I need to find a good source for non-star commons from that set.


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