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The Many Parallels of Stadium Club

 Today, I've got more cards from my recent huge Barry Larkin purchase to show off.  More specifically, today we have a slew of Stadium Club parallels to take a gander at.

We'll begin with this 1994 Stadium Club Member's Only parallel.

The design of 1994 Stadium Club is a strange one for me.  When I was a kid, I loved this set - then, as I got older, I found the mishmash of fonts and colors to be sort of off-putting.  Now?  I have to admit that I like the set's design again - I guess now in a retro sort of way!

Next, another Member's Choice this time from a year earlier.  

This particular card has a cool action image - kind of love seeing a Brave getting smashed in a double play attempt (mostly since Atlanta was the Reds' main nemesis in the mid-90s).

If you thought parallels were a "new" scourge on baseball cards, let me present to you now the 1995 Stadium Club set.  

That's three different parallels of what appears to be the same exact card (the Virtual Reality card is technically a different card, complete with different card number).  That's not all from the '95 set though - here's the final three Stadium Club cards that I acquired (also all from 1995).  

Lots and lots of parallels to sort through here!  I'm always happy to knock parallels off of my want list - especially Stadium Club parallels since they seem to be fairly tough to come by these days.  


  1. 94 Stadium Club never grew on me. The nostalgia factor does have me chasing a few ‘fun’ cards from the set. I think 93 was my fave design for the baseball moving across the card. Who would’ve thought in those early modern card years we’d ever see the glut of parallels of today? This is a key factor in the decision to keep the cash in pocket. I’ll pick up the few newbies I want for PCs. That’s been five cards total for this year. I have no desire to purchase boxes, packs or participate in breaks. My breaks with you were fun. Happy to have participated.

  2. I like '94 Stadium Club. It's distinctive, which I can't say about some other '90s SC sets that I constantly confuse with each other. ... Not a fan of their parallels tho. (I like the present SC's parallels slightly better).

  3. Yeah I'd love to build 94SC. Probably the most "this is what the world looked like a the time" set from my youth. Not a huge fan of 1993 and the way the graffic covers up the most interesting part of the photo.


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