Barry LarkinYear: 1991
Brand: Donruss
Card number: 471 (variation)
This is the "no period" variation of Barry's 1991 Donruss card. If you look closely at the copyright line, you'll see that there is no period after the "inc". Yep, that's missing period and you've got yourself a variation card! On the bright side, neither version (period or no period) seems to be overly difficult to find and thus I basically get two Barry Larkin cards for almost the price of one here!
I'm now down to needing only 9 more Barry Larkin cards from 1991 (this is not counting cards that I own but haven't yet shown off as part of this ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series). It'd be super cool if I could actually finish off a full year of Barry Larkin cards (not counting 1986 which I've completed because Barry only had one card that year).
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