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Barry Larkin Collection 848: 2017 Topps Allen & Ginter - #39 - Rip Card #/60

Barry Larkin
Year:  2017
Brand:  Topps Allen & Ginter
Card number:  RIP-39  (#14/60)
Insert set:  Rip cards

Today is my birthday and I was looking through my folder of scanned-but-not-yet-written-about Barry Larkin cards for the perfect card for today - and I think I found it.  I mean, what is a rip card but really a present in disguise?  Of course, the analogy isn't perfect here because I didn't actually get to rip this card so I have no idea what was inside of it...instead, I'm left with the torn wrapping paper - but that's okay because unripped rip cards are way too expensive for my blood and I'm certainly going to be content having this particular card in my collection!

As of now, I still need quite a few more Barry Larkin cards from the 2017 Allen & Ginter set ("yes" denotes that I have the card):
Yes 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter
Yes 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Foil
No 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini
Yes 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini A&G Back
No 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Black Border Mini
No 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Gold Border Mini
No 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Red Brooklyn Back
No 2017 63 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Cloth
Yes 2017 RIP-39 Topps Allen & Ginter Rip Card (ripped)
All that and I haven't even talked about Ginter offshoots such as Allen & Ginter X for which there are about an equal number of Barry Larkin cards that I still need!  I guess there's always another birthday coming around next year, right?!
