Barry LarkinYear: 1990
Brand: Star
Card number: none (Promo card)
The 1990 Star set featured a heavy dose of Barry Larkin - eleven different Larkin cards total (not counting this promotional card). From what I could tell, the promo card had a print run of only 500 which makes this particular card quite rare for its time! Interestingly enough, the regular Star Larkin set featured all red borders but the promo card is (obviously) yellow bordered. Star also produced "Star Gold" and
"Star Nova" in 1990 but only the "Star Nova" set had any yellow on the border at all (it was a red/yellow fade).
Other than that, not much else to say about this one - the back is completely blank (save for some dirt on my copy, who knows what happened to this card over the years - I traded for it recently so I can't be blamed for the filth).
Plenty more Barry Larkin cards yet to come, in fact, I've got 448 more Barry Larkin cards that I've scanned and are sitting in my "to write about" folder on my computer! Amazingly enough, out of those 448, no more are Star cards (and yet, I'm still missing some of the Star Nova Larkin cards). Who knows, maybe by the time I get through the 448 posts, I'll have acquired the remaining Star cards from 1990 that I'm still missing. That's the dream, anyhow.
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