Barry LarkinYear: 1991
Brand: Panini Canadian Stickers
Card number: 130
I have to admit, I've gone back and forth as to whether I should include various sticker "cards" such as this Panini Canadian Sticker set in my hunt for all things Barry Larkin. However, as you can see by the fact that I'm featuring the sticker as part of my Larkin Collection I obviously decided that stickers will count as cards for me to track down!
As for the actual sticker, the front image isn't great - Larkin's face is kind of covered by shadows and there's no real sense of action in the photo. The back of the sticker is even worse in that there's really nothing to see other than the large card number...but I guess I can forgive Panini for the back since technically sticker backings are usually meant to be discarded anyhow!
Every player/team collector has to make this decision. I'm with you on collecting stickers.