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Delivery Time! Cards on Cards Sends Cards!

Last year, Kerry (from the wonderful Cards on Cards blog) sent me a "spring cleaning" box of baseball cards that was chock full of Reds.  Kerry is a big Cardinals fan so I'm sure he didn't mind ridding his house of Reds cards - and I didn't mind being the recipient of those same Reds cards!

I usually save the "hits" in a trade package for the end of the post but I'm feeling like switching things up today, so we'll start with the two autographs that Kerry sent my way.

I don't know a darn thing about Keury Mella but that Tyler Stephenson autograph is an instant keeper for my collection!  Even better, it's a rookie autograph!

The rest of the box was full of base cards plus some assorted parallels and inserts.  There was a ton of good stuff inside but I tried to pick out a few of my favorite to scan and show off on the blog.  Since I've already shown one Tyler Stephenson card, let's get the cool one on the blog:

Love Stadium Club, love that rookie card of Stephenson!

Another card that I love is this Billy Hamilton.  

It sure looks like Hamilton is playing baseball in a snow storm!  I've never bought a single pack of the Topps Holiday edition cards but I have to admit that I usually like the looks of the cards whenever I receive them in a trade.

Next up, sticking with Topps parallel set is this UK edition of a Shogo Akiyama rookie card.  

Now, I have to admit that I know nothing about these UK cards.  Is there a specific point (or gimmick) to them other than the British flag?  Honestly, I have no idea but at least the card looks cool!

Another cool looking card is this Topps 206 mini:  

The Reds have high hopes for Nick Lodolo, perhaps even as soon as this upcoming season you'll see Nick on the mound for the Reds.  I ought to try and get myself one of those sweet Dayton Dragons hats, too bad I don't live anywhere near Dayton!

And finally, we end with this sparkly green parallel of Joey Votto: 

That card is serially numbered out of 499 on the back, not often I receive a numbered Votto card these days!

As I said at the outset of this post, there were TONS of cool cards in the box from Kerry - I had a hard time even narrowing down what it was that I wanted to scan and show off.  

Finally, I suppose I should apologize to Kerry for taking so long to show off what he sent me - after all, this was a spring cleaning that Kerry did last year!  That's my bad, but at least the cards have shown up the blog now...better late than never, right?!  


  1. Just a side note... Jonathan India has a card in this month's SI for Kids issue.

  2. Don't feel bad, I only got around to showing off Kerry's Spring Cleaning cards for me last month.

  3. I don't get a lot of people sending me stuff anymore (thankfully), but when I do, it always takes me forever and a day to give public thanks for whatever it is. I think most bloggers understand that this may be the case with a lot of us, and don't get overly perturbed if someone takes their time posting about a sent package.


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