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Trading Via Facebook!

We live in wild and crazy times.  For the vast majority of my blogging career here at Nachos Grande, I've done 99% of my trading via the blog.  However, in the past year or so that's changed drastically - first, the majority of my trading moved over to the wonderful TCDB and now, I've started to also pick up little trades here and there on Facebook-specific pages (in this case, a page dedicated to Allen & Ginter minis).

That's right, Facebook groups exist for pretty much everything now...even subsets of baseball cards!  

I ended up working out a simple swap for one of the last few 2021 A&G mini inserts that I needed - a Hats Off card of the "flat cap."  This now puts me one card away from completing that particular set - and I'm tantalizingly close on so many others as well!

2021 Topps Allen & Ginter Needs:
Base Super Short Prints:  105 (Akil Baddoo), 184 (Yermin Mercedes), and 252 (Jarred Kelenic)
Mini inserts:
Good for You:  GFY- 3
Hats Off:  MHO- 2
Mascots IRL:  MMI- 5, 9, 14
World Leaders:  MWL- 6, 20
World's Largest:  MWL- 3, 14

At this point, I'm willing to make trades using whatever platform I can (the blog, email, Facebook, TCDB, Twitter, etc.).  Anything to finish off those sets, right?!


  1. Hey, love the blog. Just checked and I have MWL-14 and MMI-14 if you want them. A couple of your doubles of Barry Larkin would be fine in return! Just let me know.

    1. That'd be awesome! Shoot me an email at fanofreds (dot) auctions (at gmail dot) com.

  2. It's hard for me to imagine people spending any amount of time discussing specific subsets, but if it brings them any sort of joy, then more power to them!


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