Barry LarkinYear: 1992
Brand: Classic II
Card number: T74
In 1992, Classic issued a 400-card set across three different series. The first 200 cards were part of Series 1 and were released as part of a trivia board game. The second and third series were each 100 cards in size and were released in separate update sets. The card you see above is Barry's card from the second update set, often referred to as Classic II.
As for this particular Larkin card, I can't say that I like the front image much - it's kind of an awkward angle where it's tough to see what's actually happening (and Barry looks like he is fielding a ball awkwardly as well which doesn't help matters). That being said, you don't buy Classic cards for the fronts - you buy them for the trivia on the back of the card.
Actually, the entire card back is kind of great. You get a bit of stats, a bunch of trivia questions, a team logo, and a rendering of the team's uniform. Good stuff all the way around! As for the trivia, I need to draw your attention to the first question:
True or False: Lenny Dykstra bats poorly against leftys.
The answer is "false" but what a potential rip against Dykstra - and an odd way to phrase a trivia question (it almost makes it sound like an opinion rather than any sort of factual declaration). As for the rest of the trivia, the only bummer is that none of the questions directly relate to the Reds but I suppose if you are playing the game that'd be kind of a giveaway so I guess it makes sense that all questions be random rather than tied to the player/team of the card in question.
I agree... that card back is cool. Love the team uniform rendering. Not sure I've seen that on a card before.