Barry LarkinYear: 1992
Brand: Allen Kaye Sports Card News Magazine
Card number: 59
The late '80s and early '90s were a wonderful time to be a collector of oddball releases such as this Allen Kaye's Sports Card News Magazine release. Based on what I could find on TCDB, the Allen Kaye's set appears to have spanned two years (
TCDB calls this a 1991 set despite the fact that the Larkin card was released in 1992 - in the May 1992 issue of the magazine to be precise).
Despite the slight confusion of the proper year for this card (I'm calling it a 1992 release), it is a rather nice looking card for a magazine insert! The front design is simple but the fact that Larkin extends beyond the frame (ala 1991 Topps) makes the card stand out more than it otherwise would. The back of the card is also quite solid with a nice write-up full of information that you might not find on other baseball card backs! Heck, even the photographer gets a shoutout here, a nice touch.
Overall, not a bad addition to my Larkin collection - and even better, one less oddball to try and track down 30 years later!
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