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30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts - 2022 Edition: #21

Welcome back to the next post in my 30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts countdown (plus the contest - see the bottom of the post for details on that).

#21:  Texas Rangers (Previous Rankings - 2019, 2020: #18, 17)

Quick, name me a player who plays for the 2022 Texas Rangers...  That's right, you probably can't come up with one quickly (unless maybe you are a Rangers fan in which case let me know as I don't have many Ranger fans to trade with)!  The Rangers are the pinnacle of baseball apathy for me - I don't have much to say about the team (good or bad).  The Rangers hardly ever play my Reds so there's no interest there - and they play out west against mostly American League clubs and usually late at night...I can't think of many more reasons to not watch the Rangers play!  

While I don't have anything else to add about the Rangers, I will give a quick update on the flooding situation in my man cave.  For the most part, it does appear that my cards were all spared except for one Roberto Osuna Gypsy Queen card.  Being honest, if I had to lose any one card, that's a pretty good one to have get destroyed.  

I believe my Barry Larkin cards stayed dry in their 9-pocket pages despite sitting in and inch (or more) of water for close to an hour.  I guess I won't know for sure until I pull out each and every Larkin card from the three binders that were on the floor at the time but if there is damage there it's not widespread (I pulled a few cards out at random and they were all nice and dry).  

The bad news is that I will have to replace my seating furniture, pillows, and perhaps the worst of all, my laptop which was sitting on the floor and ended up nearly submerged in water.  I also had some LEGO boxes get destroyed along with some board game boxes (and one entire board game may not be salvageable).  We've got a plumber coming in a few days to fix the busted pipe and we've got carpet cleaners coming to give the carpets a good cleaning (and to make sure we don't end up with mold/mildew problems).  At least the water that flooded the basement was all clean tap water - things could have been so much worse and I'm thankful that as much of my stuff was spared as it was!

My 2022 MLB Rankings (so far):
#30:  St. Louis Cardinals
#29:  New York Yankees
#28:  Boston Red Sox
#27:  Washington Nationals
#26:  San Francisco Giants
#25:  Chicago Cubs
#24:  Milwaukee Brewers
#23:  Miami Marlins
#22:  Atlanta Braves
#21:  Texas Rangers
#20:  ??

Contest entries to date (see here for details):
Brett Alan 14
John Sharp 12
Fuji 12
Crocodile 11
hiflew 10
bbcardz 10
Matt 9
The Lost Collector 7
Night Owl 6
Wilson 3
Nick Vossbrink 2
Jafronius 2
madding 1
Wrigley Wax 1
Adam Kaningher 1
Mike Matson 1

Next up in my countdown, the Rangers counterpart in the National League - a team that I couldn't tell you who plays for them this year...nor do I find myself ever watching their games.  A team that I have nothing against - but also nothing for.  And yes, it's another team that doesn't seem to have a lot of presence on the blogs - at least not regularly from what I've seen.


  1. I can name one.. Marcus Semien.
    As for next team... Colorado

  2. I think I'm just going to keep choosing Pirates until they come up. Based on your hint, they certainly could apply...

  3. Been battling covid for a week now, ot hasn't been fun. I'm all vaxxed up, boosted, and got the antibodies on Friday night. May have missed an entry, or two. I'll go with the Diamondbacks.

    Good Job.

    1. I hope you get feeling better soon!

  4. After I guessed the Rangers, I saw something mentioning that Corey Seager is there now, so that's one. But I can't go too much deeper. The Rangers really don't have much identity.

    I'm guessing the Rockies next.

  5. Guessing the Royals again.

    @John get well soon!

  6. I'll take the Diamondbacks this time.

  7. Hehehe there are way too many teams in the "team that I couldn't tell you who plays for them this year" category. If I didn't keep track of prominent former Giants even division rivals like the Diamondbacks and Rockies would qualify for this category for me.

  8. Sorry to hear about your laptop, the board games, and the Lego boxes. I'm one of those guys who keep certain Lego boxes too, so I can see where that might be painful. As for next up... I'll guess the Diamondbacks too.

  9. -I am going to say D-Backs...hope your situation works out...sucks...

  10. Diamondbacks was the correct guess!


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