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30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts - 2022 Edition: #26

Welcome back to the next post in my 30 MLB Teams in 30 Posts countdown (plus the contest - see the bottom of the post for details on that).

#26:  San Francisco Giants (Previous Rankings - 2019, 2020: #28, 27)

The San Francisco Giants are the first team in my "bottom five" MLB teams.  I still blame the Giants for the Reds' complete collapse into mediocrity thanks to San Fran coming back from an 0-2 deficit in the best-of-five round of the playoffs to defeat Cincinnati.  While I still haven't forgiven San Francisco, you can see that I'm slowly getting there as the Giants have climbed up a single spot each year that I've done this particular ranking. 

To be fair, other than that one playoff series I don't have all that much against the Giants.  Their ballpark looks wonderful and I'd love to catch a game there some day.  I also like that the Giants employed the first full-time woman coach who coached on the field in MLB history.  The current team seems to be quite forward thinking - and man, they seem to be able to turn real turds of pitchers into actual bonafide MLB stars...I'm kind of jealous of their ability to do so given how my Reds would rather just throw their turds out on the mound and not care at all.

As I wrote the above paragraph, I couldn't help but think that maybe I've been too hard on San Francisco lately...but for at least this year the Giants maintain a spot in my bottom five.   

My 2022 MLB Rankings (so far):
#30:  St. Louis Cardinals
#29:  New York Yankees
#28:  Boston Red Sox
#27:  Washington Nationals
#26:  San Francisco Giants
#25:  ??

Contest entries to date (see here for details):
hiflew 7
Brett Alan 6
John Sharp 6
Crocodile 5
Fuji 5
bbcardz 4
Matt 4
Night Owl 4
The Lost Collector 3
madding 1
Wilson 1

Up next in my rankings:  A team that was way more tolerable when they were constant losers.


  1. Oh dear...context clue "constant losers"...I feel like saying the Cubs but I'm going with the Astros.

  2. I think I'm wrong here, but Rays?

  3. Astros and Cubs both came to mind. I'll go with Cubs.

    Most teams are more enjoyable or at least tolerable when they're losing. Right now as an A's fan, I can't stand the Giants. It's not that I don't like the team or city... it's dealing with my friends and family who rub it in that their team is good.

  4. Constant losers made me think Cubs.

  5. As a Dodgers fan, I like seeing the Giants in your bottom five (although I know you're not a big fan of the Dodgers either, lol). I'm thinking Cubs are #25 too.

  6. Gotta go Cubbies.

  7. Hey, my team just finished sweeping a doubleheader from the Giants, so remember that when you decide where they go! (I know, you've already decided. Well, next year, then.)

    I'll go Astros. They had a few years of being awful before the current bunch.

  8. Honestly surprised the Giants are climbing after the first good season they've had in a while.

  9. Cubs it is! John Sharp, Fuji, Matt, bbcardz, and hiflew all got it!


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