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Deciding to Collect Another New Set (from 2010 because I'm an idiot)

Sometimes, you can call me an idiot and today might be one of those days.  You see, I've decided to change my mind from way back in 2010 and go ahead and chase after yet another Allen & Ginter mini set from back then...the 2010 Allen & Ginter Creatures of Legend, Myth, and Joy.

These cards were tough pulls which is why I didn't try to collect the set back at the time...but years later I've realized that I've gone so far in on the 2010 Ginter set (including most of the framed relics) that I ought to give this little set a shot (the checklist is only ten cards in total).

Luckily, I've owned one card from this set since 2010 (I think)...the Tooth Fairy.

I also grabbed my second card off of eBay the other day in a lot of Ginter cards (and truth-be-told it was this lot that made me decide to take the plunge on the set).  

So yeah, I have two of the ten nine cards...how hard could collecting the rest of the set be?!

Here's the full checklist for the set:
  • CLMJ1 Santa Claus
  • CLMJ2 The Easter Bunny
  • CLMJ3 The Tooth Fairy
  • CLMJ4 Goldilocks
  • CLMJ5 Little Red Riding Hood
  • CLMJ6 Paul Bunyan
  • CLMJ7 Jack and the Beanstalk
  • CLMJ8 Peter Pan
  • CLMJ9 Three Little Pigs
  • CLMJ10 The Little Engine That Could (never produced)
As I said, I've gone "all-in" on 2010 Allen & Ginter but I could still use quite a bit of help...so if you have any of the following available I'd love to work something out if possible (let me know)!

2010 Allen & Ginter Wants:  
World's Biggest:  6, 7, 9, 14, 19, 25
Celestial Stars:  CS 4, 5
Regular back minis:  6, 8, 20, 34, 54, 58, 106, 109,  114, 170, 178, 184, 212, 228, 230, 231, 235, 254, 274, 280, 294
Creatures of Legend, Myth, and Joy:
CLMJ1 Santa Claus
CLMJ2 The Easter Bunny
CLMJ4 Goldilocks
CLMJ5 Little Red Riding Hood
CLMJ6 Paul Bunyan
CLMJ7 Jack and the Beanstalk
CLMJ8 Peter Pan
AJ.  Avery Jenkins
DH.  Dan Haren
DU.  Dan Uggla
KF.  Kosuke Fukudome
LB.  Lance Berkman
NF.  Neftali Feliz
RH.  Ryan Howard (bat only)

Let me know if you can help me out with this borderline stupid plan of mine!


  1. Good luck! The only one of these I've seen in person is the Easter Bunny, I had it once but traded it away a long time ago.

    1. This could be a very foolish idea to attempt at this time (over a decade too late) but I've gotten so far into Ginter 2010 that I figured why not try. Also, new cards aren't interesting me much at all lately!

  2. Good luck. A couple of years ago, I decided to build the 1970 Kellogg's baseball set. I'm sure there are people out there who think that's crazy too. I just look at it as long journey. Maybe we finish it. Maybe we don't. As long as it's entertaining... it's all good in my book.

  3. If you've got the time and money to do it, then why not!


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