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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

More Pacific...and this Time We Hit a 1:721 Pack Card!!

I'm back with the next six packs from my box of 2000 Pacific.  In the first group of six packs, I only landed a single needed base card (but I did get three nice inserts so all wasn't in total vain).  This time around, I'm definitely hoping for more set build help from the packs!

Packs 7 - 12:

The good news for this group of packs is that I was able to find six more needed base cards.  I'm still nowhere near the numbers I was hoping for but six is definitely better than one (which is all I found in the first six packs out of the box).  

In addition to the needed base cards (which is why I bought the box), I also found two other cards of note.  The first being a Gold (retail only) parallel of Doug Glanville.

The Gold parallels are numbered out of 199, Glanville is 185/199 to be precise.  I'll be honest, I keep holding out a sliver of hope that I'll find one of the Barry Larkin parallels in the box.  The odds for that happening are slim-to-none given how many cards there are in the base set (and how few parallels there will most likely be in the box) but I'm still hopeful!  I may not have hit a Larkin parallel in this particular group of packs, but lightning did strike in a different form:

I also found this beauty:

I believe that's the first Cramer's Choice insert that I've ever pulled from a pack!  These are tough to find - seeded 1:721 packs!  I love the look of these, they are everything I like about Pacific.  Interesting design, die-cut, shiny, over-the-top, and quite rare to this day!  Sosa wouldn't have been my first choice of a guy to get from this set but I'm still quite happy with the pull.

That's half the box down and half the box to go.  


  1. Very nice! Back when a case hit was a true case hit!

    1. Yep, that was a lot of fun to pull! Pacific sure knew how to make inserts that felt special.

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  2. At least the Sosa should help recoup some of the price of the box if you should ever decide to sell it.

    1. Indeed! I'm unsure at the moment what I'll do with the card. Sell or else trade for some sort of comparable Barry Larkin card I need?

  3. Cramers Choice!!! Great pull, that must've been exciting!

    1. It was super exciting as I'd never even seen one of those cards in person before, never mind actually pull one myself! Kind of a card collecting bucket list moment honestly.

  4. Great pull! Not sure who Cramer is but he makes a nice insert!


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