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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

Give Me Your John Hancocks, Your Thomas Jeffersons, and Your Errors.

A few weeks ago, I put forth another "ship to me" request from Check Out My Cards.  I had stockpiled a decent stack for quite some time and decided it was time to get the cards into my grubby meat hooks.  I ended up ordering mostly standard cards but I did get a couple of "oddly shaped" cards starting with this Allen & Ginter cabinet card from 2009.

That's Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  With this cabinet card finally in hand, I'm pleased to report that I'm now only one more card away from finishing this box topper set - anyone have #10:  Space Race w/ John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev by chance?!

The other oddly sized card from my most recent purchase was this 1989 Cadaco Game Discs error card.

Do you spot the error?  Yeah, it's not Barry Larkin that's pictured!  What you can't see from the above scan is that this disc is also the "alternate back" version.  That's right, there's a correct disc and an error disc and each disc comes in two different back designs.  Gotta love the unintentional craziness of late 80s baseball cards, am I right?!

That does it for the non-standard sized stuff in this order.  I'll have plenty more to show off from COMC in future posts - stay tuned for that!


  1. Nice! I've been debating on the flags from defunct nations insert set because that kind of thing is interesting to me.. Or at the very least, getting Newfoundland..


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