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TCDB Monday Wrap-Up: A Week's Worth of Trades!

I've got a full sleigh worth of TCDB trade packages to show off for this past week so let's skip any formalities and get right to the cards.

We'll begin with a PWE from user LaLoosh.

This was a great little trade in that I got a pair of Reds - a Barry Larkin parallel for my Larkin Collection and a Hunger Greene card that I needed for my 2022 Allen & Ginter 2006 A&G Rookie Design insert set.  The Donruss card is a "Holo Red" parallel and obviously the red looks great for teams like the Cincinnati Reds!

Next up, from user CubinSTLsets comes a PWE with some more set needs (and another new-to-me Barry Larkin card).

The Larkin is from the 2019 Topps set and somehow I didn't have that one yet.  The two Gold Label cards both go toward my 1998 Gold Label set build - a set that I probably won't finish in 2022 but hopefully I'll get done sometime in early 2023!

Dipping down into the mailbag, next up is a trade with user Dtd500:

This package is proof that I'm not above trading for a single card if that card is one I need for a set build!  The Starfruit is a southeast Asia favorite with edible skin and a flesh that can be sweet or sour depending on the size of the fruit.

Next, another single-card PWE, this time from user TxRyan:

That's card #1 in the Inside the Park mini set from 2022 Allen & Ginter.  Yellowstone is one of the parks in the set that I have been fortunate enough to have visited - and it's a park that's certainly worthy of the number one card slot in the set!

We'll continue the single-card PWE train with another one, this time from user blakdawg96:

The second-to-last needed mini from the 2022 Allen & Ginter Bearing Fruit insert set.  The jackfruit can weigh up to 40 pounds and is the world's largest tree-borne fruit.  That's a great thing about Allen & Ginter, always something new to learn!  (Also, what a great trivia question that would be!)

Did you think that was last single card PWE that I'd get in a week?  I hope not, because here's another one courtesy of user Brywebb53:

My second 2022 Allen & Ginter 2006 A&G Rookie Design insert of the week - this time of a Reds' divisional rival. 

That does it for the past week over on TCDB.  Actually, that's not entirely true as I do have one other TCDB trade that arrived this past week to show off...but that trade will have to wait for its own post (still, special shout out here to user abide)!  More on that trade package at a later date!


  1. I love Starfruit! I've only ever had it sweet though -- I don't think that I'd care for it sour very much.


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