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Barry Larkin Collection 948: 1993 Stadium Club - #415 - Member's Only

Barry Larkin
Year:  1993
Brand:  Stadium Club
Card number:  415
Parallel set:  Member's Only

The 1993 Stadium Club set has a Member's Only parallel that was only available for a $200 purchase for the entire parallel set.  In total, "only" 12,000 Member's Only parallel sets were produced so for its time this is a fairly rare card!  That being said, I'm already on record for stating that I don't particularly love parallels where the only difference is a tiny stamp.  

However, as a die-hard Barry Larkin collector I still welcome all parallels (no matter how pointless) into my open arms as I continue to amass as many Barry Larkin cards as I can.  I guess in the end, it's me that's the sucker!
