Barry LarkinYear: 1994
Brand: Finest
Card number: 240
The 1994 Finest set isn't one of my favorite sets but I have to admit that I'm probably in the minority here. It's not that I dislike this Larkin card, I just don't quite get all the love for the Finest brand. Even worse, there are refractor parallels in Finest that have often proven to be quite difficult to track down (for example, the 1994 refractor of Larkin's is still missing from my collection - it's one of only eight Barry Larkin cards that I'm missing from 1994)!
As for the Larkin card itself, I think the back of the card is quite nice! The card's front, however, is a bit too color-clashing for me but that's alright. I do like the card quite a bit, but it won't end up as one of my top 10 Barry Larkin cards (or even Top 100 most likely).
I'm on record as saying that I've never really cared for the Finest brand (for any sport), and I'm really not keen on the '94 baseball set; so you're not alone :)