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Group Break Highlights from 2023 Topps Heritage (Hobby Box #2)

I'm back again with another box recap from last week's group break.  As a reminder, we busted six boxes - two each of 2023 Topps Series 2, Topps Heritage, and Donruss.  At this point, I've shown off the highlights from both boxes of Series 2 as well as from the first box of Heritage and Donruss.  Today, it's time to knock out the fifth box - our second box of Topps Heritage.  

Since I've already shown off the base cards, let's jump straight into the "good stuff."  We'll start with the box topper - though as I mentioned in my first box recap for Heritage, Topps stuck the box toppers in the middle of the packs instead which turned out to be a bad idea.

Poor Streve Byre is all crinkled because he got caught between two stacks of packs (that must have been somewhat uneven).  You can't really tell from the scan but if you watch the group break video you'll see how crinkled the poor card is!

At 1:3 packs, our box did produce the expected eight short prints - here they are in all of their glory:

I do kind of wish that Topps would either completely do away with short prints in Heritage or, at the very least, drastically reduce the number of short prints in the set.  The base set is only 500 cards but 100 of those cards are short prints.  With only 8 short prints in a hobby box, trying to build the base set is a fool's errand (at least if you try to do so by buying packs/boxes).  

Our box also produced one variation card (that I noticed at least):

That's an image variation of Drew Waters.  Not the most exciting variation but I suppose a Royals collector would like it (too bad the Royals went unclaimed in the group break)!  

Finally, the lone hit of the box:

I do like the overall look of the Heritage relics.  The Cubs were claimed so that's nice to see this card go off to a Cubs fan!   

There were the usual assortment of inserts in the box as well but I felt a little lazy and didn't scan them.  After all, there's a ton of cards from this box that I now need to go sort so I can't be wasting time scanning every single card!  


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