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Check Out My Cards from COMC (Part 1)

A few weeks ago, I put in a ship order with COMC for the various cards that had accumulated in my cart.  The box of goodies arrived the other day and now I'm ready to show off the highlights of my order.  I've got too much for a single post so I'll split things up - today we'll simply look at the full-sized set needs that I grabbed beginning with a pair of 2009 Topps American Heritage cards:

Those are both short prints and while I'm personally sick of politics in my baseball cards I would like to (someday) finish off that 2009 set.  The '09 American Heritage set seems all but forgotten now on the blogs but I rather like the set as a whole (though again, I do wish that Topps hadn't shoehorned in a bunch of political short prints at the end of the base set)!

Next, from 2000 comes a lone Metal card that I still needed:

Yep, Lance Berkman has proven to be elusive - though not as elusive as #204 Bret Laxton, #239 Cesar King, or #247 Wade Miller (the last three cards that I need for the set).  

Moving up a year, from the 2001 Topps HD set I grabbed the final card that I needed for my set build!

With Pudge finally in my grasp, I can close the book on the 2001 Topps HD set.  Officially, this is my 12th set completed in 2023!  

Now, going back to 1998 we have my thirteenth set completed for the year:

That's 1998 Topps Gold Label (Class 1) all done!  Definitely one of my favorite base sets of all time and I'm super happy to have this one in my collection (and complete).  

Finally, we end with a 2012 Topps Archives In Action insert:

The In Action cards have been annoying to track down.  Over a decade later and I'm still missing two of the ten cards in the set (specifically #JE Jacoby Ellsbury and #KG Ken Griffey, Jr.).  

That does it for the full-sized set needs portion of my purchase from COMC.  That said, I still have plenty more goodies to show off (but that will have to wait for another day)!  


  1. Feels nice to get closer to a set completion, doesn't it? Good luck!

  2. I think that a lot of folks are probably sick of politics in their everything. They seem to be inescapable these days.

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