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Barry Larkin Collection 982: 1995 Bowman's Best - #25

Barry Larkin
Brand:  Bowman's Best
Card number:  25

The various Bowman brands rarely appealed to me as a kid and this is a perfect example of a set that is better off left behind to time.  To be fair, I don't hate the card front (it looks better than it scans, I promise) but that card back is atrocious.  You've got way too much gray with tiny text.  The card number is at the bottom of the card (in the middle, no less) - a huge no-no for set collectors.  Heck, even the one measly year of statistics (and barely that with only six categories) is obnoxiously hard to read.  Yeah, that back ruins the full set experience for me - so while I'm certainly glad to have this particular Larkin card in my collection, you won't ever find me chasing the full 1995 Bowman's Best set!
