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Not-So-Secret Santa Return #1: Tim H.

Back at the end of October, I put out an offer for anyone who wanted to participate in this year's Not-So-Secret Santa program.  I started the idea in 2022 and it was such a success (and so much fun) that I decided to run it again in 2023.  The basic idea was that anyone could sign up by filling out a short form.  That form basically told me what types of things that particular person was interested in (obviously, baseball cards being a big driver but not the only driver for some people).  Once I closed the entry form, I started working on gifts to send out.  The deal was that I would send something first, then upon receipt, the recipient could send me whatever they decided (and I had some of my wants/interests listed out as well on the sign-up page).

Today, I'm pleased to start revealing the contents of the Not-So-Secret Santa packages that have been sent my way.  However, before I get to today's package it is important to note that I did not send the same "value" of stuff to everyone (some people have very specific tastes while others had lots and lots of options for me to fill up a box with).  As such, I don't expect the "value" of the return packages to all be the same either.  The entire program was designed to be fun for both my recipient and for me!

With the introduction out of the way, the first Not-So-Secret return came courtesy of Tim H.  Tim had fairly specific wants on his form (mostly Indians/Guardians cards) so I sent him off a big batch of cards of his favorite team.  In return, Tim sent me the following beginning with a Christmas card (believe it or not, I didn't think to include Christmas cards in any of my packages this year)!

Tim hit up a couple of my interests starting with Barry Larkin (plus a few other assorted Reds cards).  

While I admittedly wasn't really looking for random Reds, I'll never turn down Barry Larkin cards (nor true vintage cards like that well-loved 1958 Topps Steve Bilko card)!

Tim also found a little LEGO treat for me - a Batman 1992 figure for my collection:

The great thing about a LEGO gift for me is that it is also a gift for my son as he'll probably be one that gets to put this one together for me.  I have a full LEGO Batman display shelf that I build years ago so this particular figure will have a perfect home there!

Many, many thanks to Tim for the great Not-So-Secret Santa return package. I'll also say that Tim was an extremely quick mailer - he got this back to me before I had even mailed out all of my other Not-So-Secret Santa packages!  

There are plenty more packages to show off in the upcoming days - but I think you can already see why I love this idea and why I'll probably run it a third time next year!  

Finally, I'll end with a hearty Merry Christmas (Eve) to everyone who celebrates!  


  1. Very cool polybag Batman! Haven't seen this one before. I guess I need to start paying closer attention to what's hanging up on the pegs at Target.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the cards and Lego set. Merry Christmas to you!


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