Barry LarkinYear: 1995
Brand: Stadium Club
Insert set: Super Skills
Card number: 17
In 1995, Stadium Club was released in three parts (Series 1, Series 2, and High-Number Series). The Super Skills insert set was split in half with 9 cards released in Series 1 and the remaining 11 cards released in Series 2. Larkin's card in the set was only found in Series 2 packs (Super Skills were seeded 1:24 packs so the cards are fairly tough pulls)!
As for the card itself, I can promise it looks much better in hand than it does in the scan. The front of the card has a metallic sheen to it with the main image used again to create a weird shadow thing in the background. The double photo effect works okay on the card back but I don't think it looks nearly as good on the card front due to the photo choice. That said, I do like the metallic finish and the card definitely feels special as compared to most other cards that you could pull from 1995 Stadium Club (and ultimately, that should be the goal of any insert set)!
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