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My 2024 Blog Resolutions!

At the start of every new year, I like to set some blog resolutions to guide me for the upcoming twelve months.  This year, I'm a bit later than normal in getting around to posting my resolutions but the year is still young!  Let's see what I'm going to attempt to accomplish during 2024!

1.  The Want List

My want list currently sits at 28 different sets.  While that total is amazingly low considering I was sitting at over 100 sets just a few short years ago, I would like to continue to whittle things down!  To give myself a fighting chance on this one, I'm going to shoot for a total want list size of only 25 sets by the time 2024 ends.  While finishing only three sets doesn't sound hard, remember that for every set I add to my list in 2024, I'll need to complete an additional set on my list simply to break even!

Looking at my want list, here are the sets that I think I probably have the best chance to finish this year:
  • 2023 Topps Allen & Ginter: Cabinet Box loaders: BC- 2, 3, 7
  • 2023 Topps: All Aces:  32, 38, 39, 48
  • 2013 Topps Allen & Ginter: Wonders of the World Cabinet Boxloaders WOW-1 Great Pyramid of Giza, WOW-20 Paricutin Volcano
  • 2012 Topps Allen & Ginter: Gold border minis:  70
  • 2011 Topps Gypsy Queen: Base:  310, 313, 342
  • 2009 Topps Heritage American Heroes Edition: Retail Checklist:  1
  • 2009 Topps Allen & Ginter:  Inventions of the Future (minis): FI5
  • 2009 Topps Heritage (Low and High Series): Base:  698
  • 2006 Fleer Greats of the Game: Nickname Greats: RG.  Ron Guidry
As you can see, not the easiest batch of sets to finish off!

2.  The Great Reorganization

This is the year that I finally make solid progress on my Great Reorganization.  The past several years I've focused on my want list but this year I want to shift my focus to this particular goal!  More specifically, here's what I want to accomplish in 2024.
  • Clean off my TV stand that is still quite full of cards.
  • Clean off my table that sits behind my desk (also full of cards currently)
  • Get my 2022 Barry Larkin collection scanned (and updated on TCDB)
  • Figure out what to do with some sets that I no longer wish to keep due to a lack of storage availability
3.  Reading

I'm going to set a goal of reading five books once again this year.  I failed to do so last year (I only read two books in 2023).  I've failed this goal for the past two years so here's hoping I can finally force myself to read a bit more!

4.  Disc Golf

Last year, I finally figured out how to throw over 300 feet (but not consistently).  This year, I'd like to get more consistent at hitting the 300 foot mark off of the tee.  My other goal this year is to improve my game and finish a round at par (or better).  I enjoy disc golf a lot but I'm still not very good at it, this is the year I hope to take a solid foot forward in terms of my own game.  After all, I'm not getting any younger!

5.  My LEGO blog

I'm going to stick with my goal of at least 36 posts over on Playing with Bricks.  Readership is still slow over there but I enjoy the blog and I don't want to give up on it!

I think that will do it for this year's resolutions.  I'm keeping things simple - though I do still plan to keep on growing my Discord, trade over on TCDB, etc., I think the above five goals give me plenty of things to work on in 2024!

What about you?  Did you set any goals for the new year?  I'd love to hear them.


  1. Best of luck on your 2024 goals! Glad to see you're going to still write posts for the Lego blog. I wish there were other card collectors interested in Legos. As for my own goals... I didn't write any down. But I'd like to blog on a more consistent basis. But hobby wise... I'd say the thing I'd like to achieve the most is cleaning and organizing my PC's... and possibly complete some lingering set builds.

  2. Appreciate your goals. My biggest goal is to continue to organize and get TCDB up to date. I'm not sure that's ever going to happen, but I'm going to try. Love the reading goal. I got 6 books at Christmas, so I've got a lot to read too. I didn't read very much in '23 so I'm going to have to get after it.


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