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Delivery Time! A Christmas Card from Bane Collectors on my Discord

Loyal blog readers are probably sick of me saying that I've been super busy lately...but it needs to be said at least one more time for today's post because I've got a package from before Christmas to show off.

Brian, from my Discord, sent me a surprise Christmas present and it took me until earlier this week to finally send something back to him in return.  My general rule of thumb is to not show off (or sort or put away) cards from someone until I've A) sent something in return (if applicable) and B) shown the cards off on my blog.  Well, it may be nearly St. Patrick's Day but why not go back to Christmas 2023 one last time?

Here's the card Brian sent me:

That's a super awesome Ken Grifey, Jr. card from Topps Chrome - and the Launched into Orbit set is one that I had never seen before.  You give me a shiny card that's die-cut in an interesting way and add Ken Griffey, Jr. to it and you've got a surefire winner in my book!

Many, many thanks to Brian for the card - and I am deeply sorry it took me so long to get my act together both in terms of mailing something back and in terms of showing the card off on the blog.  On the bright side, I believe I am now caught up on all packages that arrived during calendar year 2023!

PS:  If you haven't yet joined my baseball card-centric Discord, I invite you to do so (join here)!


  1. Cool looking insert. Don't say that too often about newer Topps cards.

  2. Yeah, that is a neat card. And I think most people realize that a teacher is gonna be busy during the school year. It seems like it would be a given.


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