Barry LarkinYear: 1995
Brand: Stadium Club
Card number: 211
Parallel set: First Day Issue
The parallels from the 1995 Stadium Club set just keep on coming! This is the First Day Issue parallel of Larkin's "Best Seat in the House" subset. Here's what baseballcardpedia has to say about this parallel:
This 270-card set parallels the First Series of 1995 Stadium Club Baseball and was randomly inserted into Series Two Hobby packs of 1995 Topps Baseball, as well as specially marked 1995 Topps Factory Sets.
I can't make much sense of the above statement either, so don't feel bad! All I know is that this one less Larkin card that I need to track down from the '95 Stadium Club set and for that simple reason, I'm happy! Also, if you read that above description again you'll realize that card companies have been making card collecting a nearly impossible task for decades (thus the modern parallel craze and other nonsense certainly isn't the first time that card companies have thumbed their collective noses at set and/or player collectors).
Beckett has a similar description for 1995 Stadium Club First Day Issue parallels. Maybe Topps Series 2 was released a little before Stadium Club, so they inserted these First Day parallels as sort of a preview to collectors. Just typing out thoughts.