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Barry Larkin Collection 1,019: 1995 Stadium Club - #498 - Member's Only

Barry Larkin
Year:  1995
Brand:  Stadium Club
Parallel set:  Member's Only
Card number:  498

Our tour through the various 1995 Stadium Club parallels continues with the next card in my Barry Larkin Collection.  This is the Member's Only parallel of Larkin's "Extreme Corps" subset card.  This is one of the uglier subsets in the 1995 Stadium Club set and it's not getting any favors done to it with the addition of even more foil stamping on the card front thanks to the Member's Only logo.  

Amazingly, there are still several more Barry Larkin cards from the 1995 Stadium Club set that I've yet to show off as part of my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series of posts.  Happily, I believe that none of the remaining cards that I've yet to highlight belong to the Member's Only parallel set.  Stay tuned for more Larkin cards from 1995 Stadium Club soon!
