Barry LarkinYear: 1995
Brand: Stadium Club
Parallel set: Super Team World Series
Card number: 35
In 1995, Topps had a Super Team giveaway (as a holdover from the strike shortened 1994 season) where if you turned in a Super Team card from one of the playoff teams, then you'd win a prize (mostly more baseball cards with gold stamping). However, for the lucky collector who turned in the Super Team card for the World Series champion (in this case, the Braves), that person would get a full World Series winner set with every card stamped with the World Series logo. As with so many of the parallels from 1995 Stadium Club, this one is simply "yet another gold stamp" with nothing else of note to signify that the card is special in some way. In actuality, the card isn't just get a World Series logo stamp instead of one of the many other gold stamps that Topps used to make the rest of the parallels from the set!
Personally, I find parallels like this one (add on an extra stamp) lazy at best but usually quite infuriating. It's even worse that as a player collector I still feel some sort of sick need to try and collect all of these pointless parallels of the same base card. Oh well, such is the life of a collector I guess!
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